We just got back from seeing Star Wars III, and I am not at all sleepy.
I trust those of you who have not seen it are not sufficiently geeky to care if I tell you about it. Here is a plot summary, if you are thinking about going:
Fight scene
Padme lounges
Fight! Scene!
Padme lounges
fight scene
Padme lounges
fight scene, during which Padme lounges
Claire Helen was very nice for her babysitter, Rebekah, who has also been coming in the mornings to help out so that I may perform Padme imitations. Today was her last day, though so we shall soldier on alone. It will be tough, but I have faith that between the 3 of us- Claire Helen, Betty and I- we will find a way to manage. So long as we are well stocked with strawberry Pop Tarts.
Last night she woke up in the middle of the night, so I brought her into bed to soothe her back to sleep, and she almost immediately started dreaming. She dreamt of me tickling her- I could tell because she put her arms up to her neck, like she always does, and giggled. It was overwhelmingly sweet.
Earlier this evening we went to a party (we had a busy evening), and Claire Helen was watching me eat some cheese. She started chirping like a bird, and looking at me expectantly. Suddenly I realized why she hasn't picked up the sign for "eat" reliably yet, though she has a bunch of other ones. She thinks the way to ask for food is to chirp, because when we are asking her if she wants anything to eat, we chirp "eat? eat?" while making the sign, sounding much like the pelicans in Finding Nemo who say "Mine! Mine!" I had no idea, but she is doing a dead on imitation, and we sound ridiculous. Good to know.
Good night, all. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.
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