Saturday, February 24, 2007

Does anybody but me think Britney Spears has Post Partum Depression? I'm surprised Brooke Shields hasn't gone knocking down her door, it seems so obvious to me from all the little pamphlets I read at my doctor's office* and various New York Times Styles section articles I've read over the years. Possibly Ms. Spears is not as big a fan of Modern Love as I am.

Last week we had our first ever parent teacher conference. You will all be pleased to know that Claire Helen is on track for such auspicious preschool goals as "putting lunch chairs back after lunch" and "cutting with scissors." It is always nice to have people besides yourselves who not only are willing to talk about your child for half an hour, but are in fact required to by their job. We're happy that her teachers seem to like her and think she is a very bright and kind child, though we are still wondering what exactly being "mature" for a two year old means.

After an exhaustive search and several fretting phone calls with her playmate's friends, we've decided to sign her up again for this same school next year. She's happy there, and they do some awfully cool projects (and are having an art fair this weekend! Pretty neato for a preschool, if you ask me). And really, the fact that she is learning about Jewish holidays and counting in Hebrew is kind of a bonus. Next December I'll have to make latkes for you all, as I made 200 for her class last Hanukkah. Fried potatoes, mmm.

A couple weekends ago I went on my first ever weekend without the kids- 36 whole hours of non nose blowing and non snack making and non plastic-dinosaur-picking-up and non hostage level negotiation over bedtime. Instead my friend Latika and I did all kinds of adult things requiring quiet and not touching walls. It was really really fun, and I hope she comes to visit us soon, because who wouldn't want to read Jemima Puddleduck 46 times in one afternoon? Mat's mom came to visit/help while I was gone, which was great fun for everyone involved, I think. I hope. Supposedly we have pictures, but those are on the big computer in the living room, and as we are having our first low key weekend since, oh, November and the kids are napping SIMULTANEOUSLY I am keeping my behind attached to the couch, and you all will just have to visualize grandparent bonding for the time being.

Lately whenever Simon hears music, he bounces his butt out and tries to snap in time, all while walking around in a big circle. He's actually doing it, snapping, rubbing his third finger against his thumb, but he doesn't make any noise.

*You all read all the pamphlets at your doctor's office, too, don't you? Otherwise what do you read? 5 month old issues of FitPregnancy or Fisherman's Weekly?

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