Claire Helen is 15 weeks today (15 weeks and 3 hours), so I thought I'd update. Tuesdays are as good a time as any, right? She is 105 days old, and if she lived in China, this means she would have gotten a party 5 days ago on her 100th day, but she does not so all she got was a run in the park. Mama likes to call this her "nature activity," because otherwise mama could feel a teensy bit guilty that baby just stares out into the world for an hour several times a week, but mama does need her exercise, and those of you who have given birth know that those hips don't just shrink themselves, am I right? I do run on a pretty trail, so she has lots of leaves to look at, not to mention her favorite toy, the dog.
Today we went to our first baby and mommy yoga class (how trendy/hippy dippy are we? We may as well just give up and move to LA.)(No, not really.), which I found wildly amusing. For the most part we just did variations on dolphin and downward dog, and cooed at our babies, but the best parts were the begining and end, when the instructor tried to convince the babies that we were having quiet meditation. Anyone who has been around a bunch of 4 month olds know the best way to induce a good shriek is to make the room silent (so they can be as loud as possible), which is exactly what the little boy next to us did.
You know, I actually think Claire Helen disapproved? She looked skeptically at him, and even paused the important work of finger chewing just to show him she was serious. Hee. My baby doesn't like attention seekers, either.
This weekend we took Claire Helen to her first swim class. We are surely going to get our Over Enthusiastic Parent badges taken away because we forgot to bring the camera. Rest assured that it was as cute as you imagine, and Claire Helen appeared to enjoy it, which in baby speak means she didn't cry.
We are gearing up to make the grandparent/wedding rounds in a couple weeks. For those of you without children, and for god's sake those of you who are pregnant, I suggest you start packing for the first trip now. I have no idea how we are going to get all Claire Helen's stuff from place to place, but I am sure that at 17 poounds, she will be the lightest thing we bring.