We have been giving Claire Helen Cheerios to play with in the morning during breakfast, which I'm sure makes us bad parents, but our ped said we could, and it gives us the following three vignettes of cuteness:
1) My favorite- when she sees Betty, she will take a Cheerio in her little fist, and hold it over the edge of the high chair, hoping to drop it onto the floor. This does not always work, as she often has sticky fingers, and Betty is not always paying attention, but when the stars align properly, she can get Betty to scrabble over to pick up the Cheerio, which delights the baby.
2) When she cannot see Betty, she will carefully pick up one Cheerio at a time and try to drop it into her stacking cups, opening her hand very slowly over the cup before peering inside carefully to witness the fruit of her labors. Again with marginal success, because of the sticky fingers problem, but she works at it very earnestly. She reminds me of a Doozer, from Fraggle Rock, with her serious Cheerio efforts.
3) She wants to eat the Cheerios. She only has a medium level pincer grasp, so most of the time the Cheerios end up on her palm. She tries to bring her hand up to her mouth, watching the Cheerio for as long as she can, but as it gets close, she balls up her fist and jams that in to her mouth, Cheerio safely hidden inside. She can't figure out why she doesn't get the Cheerio. HILARIOUS.
She has recently gone through a spurt of movement development. She started inching around ages and ages ago, and learned to roll back to front I don't know when, but in the last week she has really taken off, movement wise. She roll-inches very quickly now, if not with exact directional certainty, and yesterday morning I caught her up on all fours rocking around (Why do the evil camera elves take my camera and move it to the wrong floor of the house just when I need it?? I swear it was right in the living room, where I caught her up rocking, and I turned to look for it, and poof! It was gone. And now you know she won't do it again for weeks, just like the rolling back to front thing, so everyone will think I'm being one of Those Moms, because babies are punks like that.)
Finally, we had Claire Helen's check up for her mouth bump today. It has not changed at all since her last appointment (THANK GOD). Dr. E wants to remove it probably when she's around a year because it will interfere with her dental development. Also I am getting paranoid it will impact her speech, since she can say "baba," and "mama" but not "nana" or "dada" which both involve touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth, right where her bump is. However, he wants to put her under for about 2 minutes to do this. He has reassured me at each appointment that this is incredibly safe, that trying to do it while she's awake might not work, and if it does, could pretty severely traumatize her, but unconscious babies? The thought raises my blood pressure. And for a benign cyst? Just feels like overkill. But I guess not if the cyst is getting in the way of things. I think he's probably right, and I do trust him very much, but I think we need to fret a while before we decide to follow his plan. Sigh. I wish it could be on her elbow.
Songs Claire Helen will dance to:
Norah Jones, "Don't Know Why"
Suzanne Vega, "In Liverpool"
Amiee Mann, "Moth to a Flame"
Beatles, "Helter Skelter"
Belle and Sebastin, "Stars of Track and Field"
Indigo Girls, "Least Complicated"
Artists Claire Helen has no time for, despite repeated exposure, and even helpful dance examples by parents (generally mom)
Ani DiFranco
Pavement (more proof the child was brought to us by aliens)
Built to Spill
non vocal jazz
Neil Young
Kind of a Lilith Fair baby, yes?
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